Friday, November 7, 2008


Reflective notes

This week I have been spending most of my time working on the final project which I think it is a great assignment by putting together what I have learned through the course. During the research, I have also learned the new techniques and ideas on how to apply the assessment tools I have selected for this project.

This project helps me to decide on how I will evaluate the students’ learning outcomes and what assessment tools fit my course the best in terms of authentic assessment and plagiarism prevention. It also reminds me to have a review of the learning outcomes for this course Assessment in E-Learning. I am surprised I have learned so much in such a short period of time. Well, I have demonstrated what I have learned in my final project. Please have a look at it.

The course I selected to apply the four assessment tools is Elementary Chinese, which is an online course transferred from a traditional classroom course one year ago. The four assessment tools I think will better fit for the learning objectives listed are: SurveyMonkey, Blog, Audacity, and Skype. Please have a view of my final project. I would like to hear your suggestions and feedbacks.

Jingfang's final project for Assessment in E-Learning

1 comment:

Datta Kaur said...

Jingfang, a quick look at your final project displays excellence. Of course I will look and comment in more detail this week and am especially interested in your use in EFL since I also teach ESL teachers:).

Thanks. ~ Datta Kaur